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Nexus Ore

Nexus Ore is a substance found exclusivly within Var Nexa. Consequently, it can only be found and brought back to the Outer Plateaus by explorers who enter the area.   Approximatly the size of someone's palm, though varying slightly, Nexus Ore is almost missable on first glance. While varying slightly in colour, they tend to be quite plain, often blending in with surrounding materials. However, they can be picked out by their distinctive patterns that range from being seemingly etched into its surface, to covering the entire Ore.   Nexus Ore is, in theory, a source of power - though not through normal means. It is a strangely fragile substance, with most experimental tests performed on it attempting to harness this resulting in them becoming inert or outright destroying the substance.   There are, however, some key ways Humanity has found to exploit this substance and manipulate it to their use.   1. Terminus - Emblems:   In Terminus, Nexus Ore is used in gifting people Emblems. The Ore is ingested - typically through mixing with a liquid to drink - though there is no strict method. From there the user undergoes an adjustment process, undergoing immense pain which typically results in the user passing out. Upon awakening, which typically takes at least a night of rest, the user will have gained an Emblem.   This is where the "in theory" segment of Nexus Ore's ability as a power source comes into effect. No one truly knows if Nexus Ore acts as a power source or simply an enabler for Emblems to develop. Nexus Ore itself doesn't display any power externally and there are no known links between the Ore and what type of Emblem develops. However, the second method of use does exist.   2. Nexus Tools   Created in the country south of Terminus, Nexus Tools are...unique. Their method of creation is limited knowledge, known only to and passed down the line of Artisans that craft them from master to student. However the inventor of the first Nexus Tools, according to local history, was...eccentric to say the least. This seems to be a trait passed down the line, as each new apprentice follows this same mindset. Consequntly, while some more typical weapons have been crafted, this is dwarfed by the amount of Nexus Tools that are seemingly random. Spinning tops, Yo-yos, Scissors, a giant Sewing Needle, and more.   The common trend tying Nexus Tools together is how they are crafted. Each one take a piece of Nexus Ore to create - the original Ore itself identifiable in the tool. From here, each tool gains a unique ability. Spinning tops that can be controled remotly, a Spear that sprouts plant life from its tip, Scissors that can cut through any substance. These abilities clearly aren't tied to the user - in theory anyone can pick up and use one - so logically stem from the item themselves. Therefore, Nexus tools are indisputable proof that Nexus Ore can be a power source, even if the exact method of drawing this out is limited to a select few.


Material Characteristics

Approximatly the size of someone's palm, though varying slightly, Nexus Ore is almost missable on first glance. While varying slightly in colour, they tend to be quite plain, often blending in with surrounding materials. However, they can be picked out by their distinctive patterns that range from being seemingly etched into its surface, to covering the entire Ore.

Geology & Geography

Nexus Ore is only found within Var Nexa. Specifically, they are found within the "Chaotic Territories" - areas of Var Nexa where the typical rules of nature aren't followed.   Gravity pulling sideways? Rivers that flow through the air? Forests of Ball Lightning? If an area is odd, even for Var Nexa, it's a safe bet that a piece of Nexus Ore can be found within.

Origin & Source

The origin of Nexus Ore and how it is created is currently unknown.

History & Usage


Exactly when Nexus Ore was discovered has been lost to history. As far as humanity is concerned, they've always known it existed. The earliest known historical recording in existence has references to Nexus Ore, and it is repeatedly brought up throughout history.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Nexus Ore is incredibly valuable in all Outer Plateau regions. While price varies, buying and selling one is typically worth a small fortune.   This stems from its scarcity and difficutly to obtain, as only Explorer Teams capable of entering Var Nexa, finding one, surviving and returning are capable of acquiring them.   Despite the different varients of Nexus Ore found, they all have one thing in common. Every person, regardless of heritage, experiences a "fear" when in the presence of one. Bodies will tense, almost entering fight or flight mode, hairs will stand on end, chills run down backs. The exact extent varies, but the base effect is the same. In short, it's almost like a sixth sense once someone is within a certain distance.
Varies, though blends in with surrounding material
Boiling / Condensation Point
Never successfully boiled
Melting / Freezing Point
Never successfully melted
Common State
Related Locations


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