Allbright Moonblade Item in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Allbright Moonblade

“Now that you have taken your oath, you can unlock the true power of your blade. You are now truly ready to wield it. Do not be apart from it for more than a day- or you shall regret it greatly. A part of you is now one with this sword.”   Of all the magic items created by the elves, one of the most prized and jealously guarded is a moonblade. In ancient times, nearly all elven noble houses claimed one such blade. Over the centuries, some blades have faded from the world, their magic lost as family lines have become extinct. Other blades have vanished with their bearers during great quests. Thus, only a few of these weapons remain.   A moonblade passes down from parent to child. The sword chooses its bearer and remains bonded to that person for life. If the bearer dies, another heir can claim the blade. If no worthy heir exists, the sword lies dormant. It functions like a normal longsword until a worthy soul finds it and lays claim to its power.   A moonblade won't serve anyone it regards as craven, erratic, corrupt, or at odds with preserving and protecting elvenkind. If the blade rejects you, you make ability checks, attack rolls, and saving throws with disadvantage for 24 hours. If the blade accepts you, you become attuned to it and a new rune appears on the blade. You remain attuned to the weapon until you die or the weapon is destroyed.   This particular moonblade has five runes on its blade, for each master it has served. Now that Cathy Allbright have attuned to it it has six. The first rune always grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. Each rune beyond the first grants the moonblade an additional property.   The different runes are:  
  • Legacy Rune. This is the rune granted by Cathy's great great great grandmother. This grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
  • Dragonslayer’s Rune. This is the rune granted by Cathy's great great grandfather. At 2nd level, when the blade hits a dragon or giant with the moonblade, the target takes an extra 1d6 radiant damage.
  • Steedmaster’s Rune. This is the rune granted by Cathy's great grandfather. At 5th level, while the wielder is mounted and isn't incapacitated, they gain the following benefits as long as you are still attuned to your moonblade. They have advantage on melee attack rolls against unmounted creatures that are smaller than their mount. They can force an attack targeted at their mount to target them instead. If their mount is subjected to an effect that allows it to make a Dexterity save to take only half damage, it takes no damage if it succeeds and half damage if it fails.
  • Sentinal’s Rune. This is the rune granted by Cathy's grandmother. At 8th level, whenever the blade hits a creature with an opportunity attack, the target's speed drops to 0 for the rest of the turn. This stops any movement they may have been taking. Creatures within the wielder's reach provoke opportunity attacks even if they took the Disengage action. When a creature within the wielder's reach makes an attack against a target other than them, they can use their reaction to make a melee weapon attack against the attacking creature.
  • Mother’s Rune. This is the rune granted by Cathy's mother. At 11th level, they can channel the magic of the Feywild and cast Scrying once per day.
  • Heir’s Rune. This is the rune that appeared once Cathy attuned to the sword. Once she dies, she will be able to imbue her soul into this rune.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Current Holder
Subtype / Model
Very Rare
Base Price

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