Moonblade Item in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Moonblades are named in part because of the moonstones found in the pommel of each sword but also for the moon elves that wield them, with the famous exception of the half-elf assassin, Arilyn Moonblade. Other elves, such as sylvan elves and sun elves were not prohibited from claiming a blade, it was just highly unlikely.   Each wielder contributes a power to the sword, which would be absorbed through the moonstone in the blade's pommel. However, the wielder cannot be separated from the sword for any length of time and expect to live. Each moonblade is unique, as are the powers given to them. In addition to their unique abilities, some moonblades are capable of summoning an elfshadow.   Each moonblade is tied to the elven bloodline that first claimed the blade and is passed from descendant to descendant until there are no more worthy heirs. Every elf in the family has a choice to attempt to bond with the blade. If the elf chooses to bond with the blade, they are subjected to the moonblade's bladerite in which the sword judges the character of the prospective wielder. The wielder is not only judged by its own character but also by the characters of all its previous wielders. With each new wielder, the blade becomes harder to obtain by the next user. Any elf judged unworthy by the blade is subjected to the consequences of the bladerite, which usually results in immediate death by arcane fire. A claimed blade never bonds with an elf that does not carry the bloodline of the original family, making the blade's magics useless in the hands of anyone else.   The wielders of the moonblades also pay a cost — when they die, their life essence enters the moonblade, to become the source of its magic. The process of crafting a moonblade could not be adequately described — no more than a melody could be conveyed with mere words.  

Notable Moonblades



Thoerl is the moonblade of the moon elf House Silverspear.  

King's Blade

The King's Blade is the most powerful elven moonblades and wielded by the Ruler of Evermeet.  

Arilyn's moonblade

The moonblade was wielded by Arilyn Moonblade. It has many different powers, most notably the elfshadow and elfgate abilities. It was brought to Muspelheim and forged in the primordial heat to create the Primordial Fusionblade.  

Allbright Moonblade

The Allbright Moonblade is the moonblade passed down to Cathy Allbright.  


Darkmoon, originally claimed by the Starym clan. The moonblade was corrupted by Illitran Starym with the assistance of Obscurus, god of corruption and decay. The blade is also known as Bladeshee for it's mythal ghost's ability to cast the spell Wail of the Banshee.  

The Craulnober moonblade

The Craulnober moonblade was in the possession of Elaith Craulnober, even after it rejected him. The blade's current whereabouts are unknown.  

Blood Moon Blade

The Blood Moon Blade was a newly forged blade, created by Orion. As it was part of the Moonflower bloodline, Arilyn Moonblade was able to use it and forged it in the primordial heat of Muspelheim to create the Primordial Fusionblade.
Item type
Weapon, Melee

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