Alvaerele Tasundrym Character in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Alvaerele Tasundrym

Saint Alvaerele Tasundrym (a.k.a. The Silent Chosen)

Alvaerele Tasundrym, also known as the Silent Chosen, is a half-elven Chosen of Mystra.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Alvaerele was a sage who specialised in healing, good food & beneficial herbs for humans & demihumans. During her free time, Alvaerele had managed to master minor magic. She lived in Salzenstadt.   After Annath Sunfall renounced Mystra and all magic because of his failed experiments, his position was offered to Alvaerele during a grand feast that she had been invited to in exchange for procuring some rare wine. When Zudris appeared before her, two other wizards at the feast immediately attacked. Zudris turned away their spells, apologized for appearing in such a public place and wiped everyone's memories of his appearance (though onlooking kitchen staff retained theirs). Later, Alvaerele accepted Zudris' offer but timidly informed him that she would concentrate her efforts on her work as a sage over and above her magisterial spellcraft. Zudris fell in love with her at that point and she enjoyed her deity's personal protection from then on.   One day, while out collecting herbs, she encountered a sick man. When she went to minister his illness, he spat forth a gout of spell-born acid. Zudris shielded her from the attack and Alvaerele petrified the offending mage. Upset at having to mete out similar punishments to her attackers and how they would try to reach her through her friends, she petitioned Mystra for another method to serve. Mystra made Alvaerele one of her Chosen.   Alvaerele has been tasked with guarding the most powerful secrets of magic such as the location of the Srinshee's resting place. Alvaerele always performed her tasks in an alternate form or invisibly and spends her free time in secluded dryadic  groves which have earned her the moniker of the 'Silent Chosen'.
Current Location
Year of Birth
6901 1109 Years old
Aligned Organization

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