Great Breantian Forest Geographic Location in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Great Breantian Forest

The Great Breantian Forest is a maze-like area of a confusing forest that cannot be traversed with ease by those who are not Breantian. Its layout is usually designed to make anyone who enters to become irreversibly lost, and the only way to exit the forest is by navigating it in specific directions. It is said that if people wander in the forest for too long, they can turn into a monster of the fey, or perhaps some horrifying combination of the two.


The forest is mostly comprised of several groves of cherry blossom trees and sycamores, however towards the centre the forest is dwarfed by the presence of massive redwood trees, that obscure the centre from any kind of visibility. There is also a mysterious fog that hangs around the central area too.
Forest, Temperate (Seasonal)
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