Annam All-Father Character in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Annam All-Father

Annam All-Father is the chief giant deity and creator of the giant race, known also as the Prime, the Progenitor of Worlds, the Great Creator, and the Creator-By-Thought.   Annam's avatar appears as a giant of massive size, standing at least 100 feet tall if not taller. He has white hair and a large full beard, and is clad in robes of midnight blue.   Annam has a dual nature. He is an omniscient god of learning and meditation who can spend a thousand years contemplating a single subject, while at the same time is an entity who acts on impulse and instinct. He is patient, not caring about the passing of time due to his immortal nature, but simultaneously impatient for his long-reaching goals to reach their conclusion. He can also be incredibly stubborn, refusing to change his mind once it was made up even if new evidence proves his decision wrong, although there are exceptions to his stubbornness, such as when Hiatea proved to him that he was wrong for refusing to allow his consorts to give birth to daughters. As a god of creation and fertility, he is particularly lustful, having sired numerous children and keeping multiple paramours. However, the failings of his offspring and his lack of a true wife and partner cause him great sadness and depression. Additionally, all of his worshipers see him as the embodiment of the particular traits that the worshiper values. For example, he is seen as a massive glutton to hill giants, an artist by stone giants, and a reveller and warrior to frost giants.   Annam is an ancient god and much of his origin is unclear. He is rumoured to be the offspring of the primordials. Some myths say that Annam wandered the multiverse, creating worlds and gods on a whim. Some fanatics say that he is a sleeping god whose dreams create the fundamental substance of reality that other gods use in their own creations. Regardless, he was one of the first of the non-celestial gods, arriving sometime prior to −30,000. His arrival predates that of dwarves, humans, and even elves. At this point, he had at least fathered Stronmaus and possibly several other male members of the Ordning.
Current Location
Year of Birth
30000 38010 Years old
Ruled Locations

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