The Ordning Organization in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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The Ordning

The Ordning is the group of deities worshipped by giants. While some refer to these deities as titans, they are not descendants the titan race, and are primarily the divine children of Annam born by his consort(s), mostly before his marriage to Othea. They primarily dwelt in Jötunheim, with some residing in realms of the Elemental Chaos.   Giants hold no common view of their gods. Religious beliefs differ between giants of different races and tribes, even if they worship the same god, to the point that internecine squabbles can be equally as violent as those between worshipers of different gods. Festivals and practices of each tribe are based in general beliefs held by all giants, but the details are unique to the priest presiding over it. It is rare for a tribe to have more than two priests at a time.   While the specifics of worship and religious views vary, all giants recognise Annam All-Father, the father of the giant races, as the supreme deity. Giants acknowledge and revere the entire pantheon, but most tribes restrict their actual worship to one or two patron gods. The worship of any legitimate giant deity is acceptable in the temple of another giant deity.  

Annam All-Father

The greater god of magic, fertility, learning, and philosophy and the chief deity of the giant pantheon, hailed as the creator of the giant races.  


A lesser demigoddess who was the wife of Annam All-Father and mother to the races of giants and giant-kin.  


The greater god of the sun, sky, weather, seas, and joy. He was the patron of the storm giants and the cloud giants.  


Greater goddess of nature, agriculture, hunting, and childbirth. She was primarily worshiped by fire and stone giants, as well as female giants of all races.  


Intermediate god of combat and hunting. He s primarily worshiped by hill giants, but he also had a following among frost giants, ettins, and ogres.  


Intermediate god of pride and control. His followers are exclusively evil cloud giants.  

Skoraeus Stonebones

Intermediate god of stone and mountains. He has little interest in any giants but the stone giants.  


Lesser goddess of love, mercy, forgiveness, and beauty. She is a well-loved goddess and worshiped by good giants and giant-kin of many races.  


Lesser god of deformity, hatred, and beasts.  


Lesser god of fire. He is the patron of the fire giants.  


Lesser god of ice and cold. He is the patron of frost giants.  


Demigoddess of trickery, thievery, mischief, and to some extent fertility. She has no true priesthood but a substantial following.  


As an Aesir, Bragi is one of the Old Gods, and the patron of poetry, and the arts. He is a lesser god to the giants, but popular amongst giant-kin.  


The ascended god who was once a mortal dwarf, Talos is respected by the giants for overcoming his small-person mortality.  


Mimír, the Rememberer, is the Aesir god of knowledge and history collection.  


Loki is the Jötunn and Aesir god of trickery and mischief. He can shape shift, and often does so to consort with mortals in Terra Caelum.
Religious, Pantheon
Related Ethnicities

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