Argadh Odh Settlement in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Argadh Odh


Primarily orcs, some other civilized races.   Amofris: Female Human Servant, Neutral. Amofris is common in appearance, with long black hair and hazel eyes. She wears modest garments and a yellow cloak. Amofris seeks to discover why she keeps having the same dream.   Djethi: Male Human Scofflaw, Neutral. Djethi has silver hair and amber eyes, and a thin nose. He wears plain clothing and riding boots. Djethi is hardworking and shrewd.   Sennefy: Male Dwarf Soldier, Evil. Sennefy is wretched in appearance, with long black hair and soft amber eyes. He wears studded leather and wields a spear. Sennefy is insensitive and reckless.   Weskhiahay: Female Human Aristocrat, Neutral. Weskhiahay has black hair and blue eyes, and a thin nose. She wears fine raiment and jewelry.   Irdipys: Female Human Craftsman, Evil. Irdipys has a square face, with gray hair and green eyes. She wears modest garments and a wide-brimmed hat. Irdipys is fascinated by alchemy and natural philosophy.   Adjamen: Male Human Soldier, Evil. Adjamen has a long face, with auburn hair and narrow blue eyes. He wears scale mail and wields a glaive-guisarme. Adjamen is callous and disloyal.


Argadh Odh is governed by a mayor, who is almost always a member of the Glassblowers' Guild.

Industry & Trade

Argadh Odh is known for glassblowing.


Pere's Clocks: A neglected clockmaker's workshop, built within what was once an aristocrat's manor.   The Dwarven Mine: A group of dwarves with picks and shovels came here long ago looking for malachite, and began digging. It is said that on a quiet night, one can still hear them toiling far below.   Ribre's Clocks: A cluttered clockmaker's workshop, within which time seems to pass more slowly.

Guilds and Factions

The Glassblowers' Guild has a large presence in Argadh Odh.
Founding Date
Approximately 1600
Inhabitant Demonym
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