The Sword Coast Settlement in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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The Sword Coast

The Sword Coast is the south-western hold located in Terra Caelum. As the name implies, it is a coastal region. Once known only as Bronzemere, the hold was renamed due to the tumultuous history of war. In ancient times, it was home to orcs, but elves and humans had settled their own cities in the deserts. Many orc cities are still settled in the dunes region, more inland, as the settlers had mostly taken the coast. In 7971, the Bronzemere Disaster occurred, leading to the Gorgoth clan taking the country by force. It was 30 years before the land was liberated once again. Under the Alliance, the land is fairer for all races living there.  

Government Based On Election

Alliance leaders are elected every four years by those within their holds, and keep the term of king or queen as a way to acknowledge the monarchist history of their nations. Each hold has been reformed to keep up to a forward-thinking and lawful standard, putting the good of the littlest people first, and squashing out injustice and prejudice. Each Hold has a king or queen. In each hold, the ruler has a thane and a high septon. The thane is in charge of military command and the high septon advises the ruler on diplomatic relations. Beneath the thane and high septon, there is a Council of Eight- each holding an important role in the hold's government.   In the Sword Coast, the Council of Eight meets at Bronzemere, at Grace's Rest.  

Kings and Queens

The Sword Coast, since joining the Alliance, now uses the title of lord protector for its leader. Below are the elected lord protectors of the Western Plains, and how long they served.  

Alec Grace(8002-8008)

Alec was never in line for the throne; he was simply a bard before he was elected. His master of the lyre had made him very popular within the Harpers and the Fighter's Guild during the times of liberation after the Collision.  

Dagult Neverember(8009-Present)

Lord Dagult Neverember is the Lord Protector of the Sword Coast. He looks the part of such an impressively titled figure: tall and broad-shouldered, with a thick beard, a wild mane of hair, and a forceful manner. Rarely seen without his hand around a glass of strong spirits, he is a master manipulator and looks and behaves as a king should.   Strong and decisive, Dagult acts always for the good of his subjects and realm—and in doing so, has consistently built up his own power and wealth. Dagult demands order and rewards discipline, but he is pragmatic and driven by results above all else. He knows that nothing comes without effort, and sacrifices must be made when necessary. Tireless in his actions, he never stops until he has achieved his goals. He will use any means at his disposal, as long as those means are legally justifiable—even when such justification must be "rediscovered" from long-forgotten or ignored laws.  


About 67% of Bronzemerians are of orcish descent, with 22% humans, 5% tieflings, 4% half-elves, and 2% other races.  


Most of the country's defences are located in the southern dunes. The most notable are Fort Dragon, Fort Determination, Voshnugrol, Cuhunaga, Fort Oasis, and Grigkhoduz.   The army of Bronzemere is made up of sorcerers and war mages, as well as brute soldiers.  


The landscape of the Sword Coast is also home to many dungeons. The burial traditions of the Sword Coast stem from orcish tradition, of burying your dead deep in the ground and leaving an elegant resting place. The Herald's Catacombs is a large catacomb system for the old royal family of Bronzemere. Halena's Retreat is a small shrine to priests of the goddess Halena, with a dungeon system beneath it. Gold Sanctum is similar, with many tombs dedicated to burying the people of the nearby towns. Guardian's Grotto, Broken Eagle Redoubt, and the Tombs of Wrath are also well-known dungeons infested with elementals and undead.  

Industry & Trade

The exports are many; Ale, cloth, fish, furnishings, grain, leather goods, livestock, pottery, refined metals, and all other sorts of finished goods. Imports include leather, ore, timber, and exotic goods from other lands. The Sword Coast is famously known for the orcish art of using of malachite in weapons. The city of Bronzemere is also home to the Guild of Glassblowers, Glaziers and Spectacle-makers.  


The Sword Coast are part of the Alliance, and therefore the Alliance forces have the strongest grip over the Hold. Factions aligned with the Alliance are very welcome in the Western Plains, such as the Emerald Enclave or the Harpers. The Order of the Gauntlet functions as the primary force of paladins and of knightly training. Their soldiers are elite and welcomed within the ranks of the army of the Western Plains.


The Sword Coast was once happily divided between orcs and other races, until the Gorgoth Clan ran all the other races out of the capital, Bronzemere. Bronzemere was destroyed and had not been repaired until it was freed from orcish control shortly before the Collision.


  • The Sword Coast
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