Blue Water Inn Building / Landmark in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Blue Water Inn

Gray smoke issues from the chimney of this large, two-story wooden building with a stone foundation and sagging tile roof, upon which several ravens have perched. A painted wooden sign hanging above the main entrance depicts a blue waterfall.   The Blue Water Inn was Vallaki's main gathering place for locals, especially at night. The innkeeper, Urwin Martikov, considered the inn a sanctuary from the evils of this land. In the event of trouble, the windows and doors could all be barred shut from within.   A bed for the night costed 1 ep. People looking for something to eat were fed hot beet soup and fresh bread at no additional charge. A cooked wolf steak costed 1 ep.   The inn offered a pint of Purple Grapemash No. 3 wine for 3 cp, or a pint of the superior Red Dragon Crush wine for 1 sp.   Before Old Barovia's destruction, the inn's wine supply had almost depleted, and the latest delivery from the Wizard of Wines winery was overdue. Urwin asked Ace Ventura if they would be so kind as to find out what was holding up the latest shipment, promising them free room and board if they returned with the wine. However, Ace Ventura was too caught up being constantly at odds with Count Strahd von Zarovich to do so, resulting in a full depletion of the wine reserves.


  • Blue Water Inn
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