Ace Ventura Organization in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Ace Ventura

Ace Ventura is an adventuring guild founded in 8007 by Gemini, Koko, Aurora Pyre, and Cristoph Swanson. Jenny Drew, Astrid Swanson and Claudius Gothiccus also helped set up the guild.  


The guild's founding members first met in Bronzemere when Gemini was illegally importing goods from the Ordayn Crime Syndicate of the Shadowed Vale. After travelling together, on parole, the adventurers decided they would enjoy making a living from adventuring. They travelled together all throughout the west, travelling far and wide, until they set up their own guild.   They caught the attention of the Eclipse faction and came under fire from them, until alerting higher authorities to the criminal activities of the faction. After this, Ace Ventura became a crucial part of the fight against Eclipse, and the guild allied themselves with the forces of Joseph Reynolds VI and Elizabetha DeMontajay to uncover the secrets of the Underdark.   After defeating Eclipse, the guild kept its prominence, making a name for themselves- as well as a lot of profit. They joined The Many Guilds in early 8008, and have since expanded from simple adventuring into many different trades.  

Footholds in the Alliance

Ace Ventura has many footholds in Alliance territory. While originally based in Tinkertown, the base of operations has since moved to the Hearthand State Asylum in the Free Peach. Teleportation Circles have been built between the various Ace Ventura properties to ensure easy travel for the guild members.   Ace Ventura has a Teleportation Circle in the mansion of House von Stein, giving them a foothold in the Wild Woods. They also engage in trade with the city of Treetop.   In Tinkertown, the guild still holds its headquarters in Gemini's house, where Jenny Drew manages all the paperwork relating to the guild's expenses. The guild also has a trade deal with Hazeltown.   In the Highfields, the guild owns a smithing business in Almyl at the Almyl Dryadic Silver Forge. The guild also owns an abbey in Springdenn.  

Property Details

Gemini's House

Gemini's house is a cottage in Tinkertown. It has a poisoner's grotto and an animal pen included. Jenny Drew lives here, and manages the guild from here.  

Poisoner's Grotto

A shaded field of poisonous plants and herbs grow here. Everything from fly amanita to nightshade spring up by the bushel, ripe for picking and refining into poisons. Every 7 days, this expansion provides enough ingredients to make two items off the following list; acid, antitoxin, assassin's blood, burnt othur fumes, drow poison, essence of ether, malice, oil of taggit, pale tincture, potion of poison, torpor, or truth serum. After the herbs have been picked, each poison must be successfully brewed with a DC 15 alchemist supplies check. A failure destroys the gathered herbs used to brew that particular item until they regrow the following week.  

Animal Pen

This expansion allows creatures to be held securely and safely, whether or not they desire to be, until you choose to release them. The creatures must not be humanoid, and this expansion may hold five creatures sized small, three sized medium, or one sized large. This expansion is used to stable horses.  

Kindred Guildhall

The Kindred Guildhall is a guildhall run by warforged artificers. It is home to Archie, CC, Horn, Rickshaw, and Wheat. Pip also works here, as a tinkerer. The structure has an arcanist's study, and a dining hall. The Kindred Guildhall mostly builts small clockwork trinkets, however, doesn't make much of a profit as of right now.  

Arcanist's Study

While present in this expansion itself, the owners of this structure and their allies cast all spells of Abjuration as if the spell slots expended were two levels higher, to a maximum spell level of 9th. Intelligence (Arcana) checks made here to deal with Abjuration have advantage.  

Dining Hall

A large room complete with long tables, chairs, and adjacent kitchen, lit by ornate candelabras and chandeliers. The smell of well-cooked meals long passed lingers on in this place, welcoming guests and residents with the promise of a full, satisfied belly.  

Ace Ventura Farm

Ace Ventura is a pony farm in Breantis, that serves as a waypoint and trading post in the centre of the Hold. There are two farmhouses, a trading post, and a barn, to store the ponies. The farm employs many farmhands and uses the vast property of the farm to make huge profits. Gemini purchased it from Queen Lizzy.  

Hearthand State Asylum

Hearthand State Asylum is an asylum that was built up by Ace Ventura and now works as a functioning psychiatric asylum, as well as housing a morgue in the basement. There is also a small graveyard out the back.  

Asylum Graveyard

The asylum graveyard has many tombstones, graves, and monuments built to remember those who have passed on. Rows of rough-hewn gravestones rise from the ground like jagged teeth, punctuated with the occasional stately monument denoting the death of someone of note. It is quiet, here, but the silent air runs thick with the dark energy of death. While present within this expansion itself, the owners of this structure and their allies cast all necromancy spells as if the spell slots expended were two levels higher, to a maximum spell level of 9th. If a necromancy spell requires a corpse to function, that requirement is automatically filled while within this expansion. Intelligence (Arcana) checks made here that deal with necromancy or the dead have advantage.  

Khafra's Abbey

Khafra's abbey is an abbey owned by Ace Ventura specifically to house the research team as well as give them a means to operate.  

Almyl Dryadic Silver Forge

The Almyl Dryadic Silver Forge is a smithy in the town of Almyl, run by Gruin. It has a garden and a smithy built onto it as expansion units.  

Cactus Garden

The smell of green, growing life fills the air here. Lush vines laden with savoury tomatoes grow alongside mandrake root, ephedra, and even more esoteric herbs. It contains an assortment of herbs and grown vegetables. Each 7 days, the garden provides enough ingredients to make four potions off the following list: alchemist's fire, elixir of health, oil of etherealness, oil of slipperiness, philter of love, potion of animal friendship, potion of climbing, potion of diminution, potion of fire breath, potion of hill giant strength, potion of greater healing, potion of growth, potion of resistance (random), or potion of water breathing. After the herbs have been picked, each potion must be successfully brewed with a DC 15 alchemist supplies check. A failure destroys the gathered herbs used to brew that particular potion until they regrow after another 7 days.  

Gruin's Forge

The twang-clink of metal on metal, the roar of fire, and the hiss of steam create a symphony of construction that fills this expansion. Newly-forged weapons and tools line the walls, glittering with firelight from the forge and the promise of practical use. For 2 days worth of effort and half its listed price, any item on the Armor or Weapons tables in the Player's Handbook (pages 145-149) may be made here by a properly-skilled hireling or character, after completing a DC 10 smith's tools check. Certain items off of the Adventuring Gear (page 150) and Tools (page 154) tables may also be created here in a similar fashion. If a hireling skilled with smith's tools is assigned to this expansion, they count as a Tools, Weapons, or Medium or Heavy Armor merchant that is always present here. The quality of this merchant's wares changes every 7 days.

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