Bugbear Species in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Bugbears are born for battle and mayhem. Surviving by raiding and hunting, they bully the weak and despise being bossed around, but their love of carnage means they will fight for powerful masters if bloodshed and treasure are assured.  


Bugbears are often found in the company of their cousins, hobgoblins and goblins. Bugbears usually enslave goblins they encounter, and they bully hobgoblins into giving them gold and food in return for serving as scouts and shock troops. Even when paid, bugbears are at best unreliable allies, yet goblins and hobgoblins understand that no matter how much bugbears might drain a tribe of resources, these creatures are a potent force.  

Venal Ambushers

Despite their intimidating builds, bugbears move with surprising stealth. They are fond of setting ambushes and flee when outmatched. They are dependable mercenaries as long as they are supplied food, drink, and treasure, but a bugbear forgets any bond when its life is on the line. A wounded member of a bugbear band might be left behind to help the rest of the band escape. Afterwards, that bugbear might help pursuers track down its former companions if doing so saves its life.  


Regardless of their intimidating reputation, bugbears can be silly, and can also be known to bonk their enemies rather than batter them to pieces. These special boys would be known as bonkbears, such as Blart and Thimdul.
Genetic Ancestor(s)

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