Cellarers' and Plumbers' Guild Organization in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Cellarers' and Plumbers' Guild

The Cellarers' and Plumbers' Guild is a guild based in Terra Caelum that digs building foundations and maintains Terra Caelum's sewer systems. The Old Guildhall is located on Gaustus Street in the Trades Ward of Anthor.   The guild is employed to dig foundations and maintain the cities' sewer systems. They keep the sewers well-maintained. They use secret recipes to perform their maintenance duties and order their materials from others rather than making them themselves. Although they don't always do so, the Cellarers and Plumbers have to call the Loyal Order of Street Laborers to fill in any holes that they dig.   Frequently, the guild digs up valuables and corpses during their excavations. They are required to inform the owner of the property beneath which the objects are found but commonly, they do not bother to do so unless being directly observed by said owner. Rumours are rife that the guild creates nonfunctional pipelines in the sewers in which they could hide these things.
Guild, Professional

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