Chamois Character in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Chamois (a.k.a. Shammy)

Chamois was a Feywild adventurer who got pulled into War of Hope and Despair and then got ditched by their party. They were still technically a soldier. They were assigned to the Liberation of the Free Peach, and were one of the few survivors.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Chamois' previous party were a more chaotic and less lawful group than they would like, and was abandoned by them. During the war, Chamois missed chilling in forests and not being a soldier, and having friends who weren’t just there because of an armed conflict that everyone was a part of. Chamois had been dragged into the war to fight on the side of the Wild Woods, then joining the Emerald Enclave by association.
Year of Birth
7962 48 Years old
Other Affiliations

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