Council of Musicians, Instrument-makers, and Choristers Organization in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Council of Musicians, Instrument-makers, and Choristers

The Council of Musicians, Instrument-Makers, & Choristers is a guild in Terra Caelum catering to entertainers and those who fashion musical instruments. It is commonly known as just the Musician's Guild. It is one of the more prominent guilds of the city.   Guild membership cost 30 gp, with annual dues of 25 gp for full members and 15 gp for apprentices. To become a full member, one has to be considered a skilled and accomplished artisan in their field.   Under the auspices of the guild are the majority of licensed and respectable entertainers in Terra Caelum, such as musicians, singers, acrobats, jugglers, jesters, mimes, and other street performers. Although a significant number of non-guild entertainers (including amateurs and travelling bards and shows) work in Terra Caelum, and do so freely, the Council takes the greatest slice of the professional entertainment industry for the city and upper classes. Therefore, an entertainer seeking to earn real coin needs guild membership to reach wealthy patrons and clients. Thus, owing to the dominance of the guilds in the major cities of Terra Caelum, the majority of bards resident there are members of the Council, if they are not themselves already legendary minstrels.   The non-musical performers, namely the acrobats, mimes, jesters, jugglers, and other street performers in the city are under the Council's control because they are not large enough as a group to warrant their own guild or union, nor quite fit any other. Not liking how the Council handles their trade, they react in different ways, typically ignoring Council wishes or not even becoming members. Thus, the majority of acrobats and non-musical performers are not guild members. Meanwhile, those jesters who are in the guild established the satirical Ancient and Revered Order of Merrymakers.   Guild members have a reputation for quality, and thus can charge high fees for their services: a performer typically charged 6 gp a day, while an instrument-maker charged on average 1 gp a day for however many days it takes to craft a custom instrument.   Bards and musically inclined adventurers can register at their nearest guildhall.   Rather than being self-important and demanding divas, the greatest Caelesti musicians are true professionals and the Council of Musicians, Instrument-Makers, & Choristers exemplify this view. They take pride in providing a client with precisely what is required and performing it as well as possible.
Founding Date
Guild, Professional
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