Crinkle Character in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Crinkle Cut Chips

The aged kenku has lived in Candlekeep for the past twenty-two years and now lives in Firefly Cellar as its custodian and caretaker of its fireflies. She has lost many of her feathers, and those that remain are frayed and dishevelled. She carries a long staff with a hook on the end, which she uses to change the firefly lamps that hang from the ceiling.   Crinkle has little patience for others, and she regards Senior Scribe Varnyr's restoration efforts as an invasion. Gailby Smallstone has softened the kenku's dour disposition with her appreciation of interesting objects.   Crinkle is a kenku who has a ring of the ram that has all its charges.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The kenku, Crinkle, loves to collect all kinds of curios and baubles. Shemshime's Bedtime Rhyme, with its intricate mechanical workings and charming music box, was too tempting to resist. After years as the Firefly Cellar's caretaker, she discovered the book when it was selected to have its spine repaired as part of a restoration project involving this part of Candlekeep.   Before the adventurers arrive at the Firefly Cellar at the beginning of the adventure, Crinkle brought the book to her room and opened it. The music box started to play, and she became the subject of Shemshime's curse.
Year of Birth
7953 57 Years old

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