Dani Thann Character in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Dani Thann

Danilo Serafina Thann (a.k.a. Dani)

Danilo Thann is a young Anthorian nobleman of House Thann, the sixth son of Rhammas and Cassandra. He is also a Harper. While first and foremost married to Arilyn Moonblade, Danilo counts many other great Caelestian among the ranks of those to whom he is close.   As well as being an Anthorian nobleman Dani is an aspiring bard. He is about six feet tall and has wavy shoulder-length pale blond hair. Even among the nobles, Danilo's choice of clothing is considered "extravagantly ridiculous." He commonly wears clothes that suit his theme as a dandy and dilettante- from suits of "walking grape" to the "Ruathym Adventurer garb." Whatever he wears, he is consistently found wearing the height of fashion among the nobility of Anthor.   When faced by the public, Danilo acts like a complete fool. He appears spoiled, shallow, and selfish. He speaks with a lazy drawl. He is widely known for his miscast spells and for generally causing mayhem. However, in truth, his foolishness is all an act that originally enables him to more easily serve the Harpers in secret. In reality, he is a skilled spellcaster and a crafty adversary, being trained by none other than his uncle Khelben "Blackstaff" Arunsun, who at one point considered Danilo his "probable successor."   Dani is also well versed in subterfuge, disguise, and the manipulation of political and social threads in any given situation.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Danilo carries a magical bag of holding when he travels and keeps anything he can ever possibly need inside, including multiple outfits of clothing, jewellery, hats, dice, alcohol, his spellbook, herbs, wine, and sugar cubes. He carries a pendant with the Thann family crest.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Danilo had access to Blackstaff Tower, as he was one of the Blackstaff's apprentices. Danilo was assigned by Khelben Arunsun to find and protect Arilyn Moonblade, a Harper agent who was somehow involved with the Harper Assassin. In a fortunate accident, Arilyn kidnapped Danilo at knifepoint, forcing him to travel with her to Anthor (although he no intentions of escaping). Once there, the pair ran into Elaith Craulnober, who, despite Danilo's clear distrust of him, aided them in their mission for Arilyn's sake. Danilo was branded and nearly killed by the shadowy assassin. After seeking more information about Arilyn's moonblade, the pair determined that Kymil Nimesin was trying to get hold of Arilyn's moonblade for its elfgate ability to control a portal between Evermeet and Terra Caelum, and he was in fact behind the assassin, being able to control the sword's elfshadow ability. Danilo, Arilyn, and Arilyn's father, Bran Skorlsun, defeated Kymil and Danilo moved the elfgate from Evereska to Laeral Silverhand's chambers in Blackstaff Tower. After things had settled down, Bran gave Danilo a Harper pin, not knowing that Danilo was already a secret member.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Danilo is a very skilled wizard, one whom Khelben had considered his probable heir and his apprentice with the most potential. His skill with magic is such that he mastered the art of spellsong in just a few days, he was able to charm a magically-resistant green dragon into slumber, and his illusionary pranks got his uncle Khelben each time. His magical skills include prismatic displays of light, fireballs, spells of invisibility, scrying, and various charm spells.   Danilo was a good horseman. As an aspiring bard, Danilo sings and writes a number of ballads. He has quite a lovely voice, although his public performances tended to be more along the line of bawdy and lewd in line with his dandy persona.


Family Ties

Both of Danilo's parents, Lady Cassandra Thann and Lord Rhammas Thann, see Danilo only as his public guise of fool. The disapproval of his father particularly disturbed Danilo at times. The Lady was a formidable person who also disapproved of Danilo's various exploits to some degree. She had elven blood but never mentioned it, as there was some animosity towards elves in the Anthorian nobility.   Danilo has five older brothers, three younger sisters, and a deceased half-sister, Lilly Thann. His youngest sister is Judith Thann, who had red hair and whom Caladorn Cassalanter attempted to court before Danilo ran him off.


Cait Sídhe

Wife (Vital)

Towards Dani Thann



Dani Thann

Husband (Important)

Towards Cait Sídhe



Legal Status


Ser Cassalanter

Friend (Trivial)

Towards Dani Thann



Dani Thann

Friend (Trivial)

Towards Ser Cassalanter



Judith Thann


Towards Dani Thann


Dani Thann


Towards Judith Thann


Ser Drago


Towards Dani Thann


Dani Thann


Towards Ser Drago


Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Date of Birth
4th of December
Year of Birth
7981 29 Years old
Cait Sídhe (Wife)
Judith Thann (Sister)
Wavy shoulder-length pale blond
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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