Elysium Geographic Location in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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The Blessed Fields of Elysium is the greater celestial plane that embodies the concept of pure good without being overly restricted by law nor dissipated by the randomness of chaos. It is the home realm of the Caelesti gods and was once home to the old gods. In the state that it is right now, it is inaccessible to anybody but the Caelesti gods. The only connection to the other realms, bar potentially the Bifrost, the Weave is the only thing that flows from the Elysium through the rest of the entire Planar System, starting with the Underdark.   There are no suns, moons, or stars in Elysium except those that the gods manifest, created by moving about in various vessels, or moving their entire realms across the skies. Depending on who or what is aloft, the shade of the sky can be deep indigo to a bright cerulean at any given moment.   Yggdrasil once connected Elysium to the other realms, in the guise of the realm of Asgard.
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