Yggdrasil Geographic Location in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Yggdrasil is the name given to the connected nine realms once watched over by the Old Gods. The "World Tree" cosmology interpretation, as it were, displayed the nine realms and how they were divinely connected. The Bifrost is an ancient method of interplanar teleportation that initially connected these nine realms together hundreds of thousands of years ago.  


Niflheim means “Mist home” or “Mist World”, and it is the darkest and coldest region of all the realms according to old mythology. It is now more commonly known as the Abyss.  


Muspelheim was created at the same time as Niflheim however it was created within the Elemental Chaos. Muspelheim is the home of fire giants, fire demons, and ruled by the old god Surtr.  


Asgard was the home of the gods, before it was shattered by the angelic conquerers of Mount Celestia. Some of the offshoots of Asgard became smaller planes, such as Idunn's Garden and Dwarfhalla.  


Midgard, known as the Prime Material Plane, or the Prime, is the home of mortals.  


Jötunheim is the home of the frost giants. It was created at the same time as Muspelheim and Niflheim, but was also created within the Elemental Chaos. It is located south of Muspelheim.  


Vanaheim, known as the Feywild, is the realm of the fey and the old Vanir gods.  


Alfheim was the beautiful realm of the elven ancestors, the Tel-quessir. The Tel-quessir migrated there from Vanaheim, explaining the fey ancestry that all future elves would come to possess. Alfheim is now known as the Island of Evermeet, the pure realm of the elves.  


Svartalheim, known as the Underdark, is the ancestral realm of the dwarves and the native realm of the drow and dark aberrations and demons of all sorts. It is a realm of eternal darkness, with two moons of red and blue.  


Helheim, known to most as the Nine Hells, is the underworld ruled by devils and demons. It is where all the dishonourable dead thieves and murderers go. It was once more structured, ruled in the Nether times in parts by Hel and Hades, but now is ruled by whoever can take the Twisted Crown from the current reigning king or queen.
Dimensional plane

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