Fisher Profession in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Fishers have spent their lives aboard fishing vessels or combing the shallows for the bounty of the ocean. They can be born into a family of fisher folk, working with their kin to feed their village. Maybe the job is a means to an end—a way out of an undesirable circumstance that forced them to take up life aboard a ship. Regardless of how they begin, they soon fall in love with the sea, the art of fishing, and the promise of the eternal horizon.   Fishers succeed only if they spend time at their jobs. As such, most fishers have a strong work ethic, and they admire others who earn their living honestly. Fishers tend to be superstitious, forming attachments to particular fishing lures or special fishing spots. They have a connection to the bodies of water in which they fish, and they think poorly of those whose actions adversely affect their livelihood.  

Fishing Tale

Fishers can tell a compelling tale, whether tall or true, to impress and entertain others. They can tell their story to willing listeners. A number of those listeners become friendly toward them; this is not a magical effect, and continued amicability on their part depends on a fisher's actions.
Agricultural / Fishing / Forestry
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