Saltmarsh Settlement in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Saltmarsh is a small, respectable fishing town in Queen's County in the south westernmost part of Avalon, noted for adventuring although it is normally a sleepy little town.   It is located on the southernmost coast of Avalon, south of the Dreadwood. It lies nestled amongst three low hills where the Kingfisher River arrives at the sea.   Within about ten leagues are woodlands; the Drowned Forest, the Silverstand, and the Dreadwood. To the west, just across the Kingfisher River are the Hool Marshes and the Dunwater River which feeds them.   The abandoned Makaster House is located outside Saltmarsh, at the edge of a cliff. Local legend holds that it is haunted, a rumour spoken of several locales in this region.   The majority of the population, in keeping with Grescha generally, are mainly human. The inhabitants are relatively sober, hard working and amiable.   Saltmarsh is divided into two major factions; the Traditionalists, and the Loyalists. The Traditionalists generally believe that the natural state of Avalon was disrupted by the Greschan conquest, while the Loyalists believe the connection to Grescha only strengthens them.


  • Saltmarsh
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