Flint Rock Geographic Location in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Flint Rock

The spirit mound of the Elk Tribe is situated near the cliffs of the Uthgardt Wastes atop a gnarly knob of flinty stone that's perpetually shrouded in fog. Its rings, cairns, and altar mound are created from piles of heaped rock, barren of plant growth. The altar is a rectangular slab of stone 10 feet long, 6 feet wide, and 3 feet tall, its surfaces worn smooth by time. The enormous basin surrounding the altar mound is shaped like the silhouette of a leaping elk stag, although this image isn't readily apparent when the area is seen from ground level. Buried under the cairns are the bones of the Elk tribe's greatest warriors.   On the higher ground of the ring outside the basin, placed outward from the altar along the cardinal directions, are four menhirs of solid grey stone that the Elk tribe's shamans use to track the passage of time, the changing of the seasons, and the movement of the stars.  

Ancient Relic

Casting Detect Magic on the altar reveals a faint aura of divination magic originating from underneath it. The slab weighs several tons and is too large to be lifted or moved by any creature smaller and weaker than a stone giant. The altar can otherwise be broken in half to get at the ground underneath.   Uthgar's early followers who founded the Elk tribe buried a relic of giantkind under the altar to empower it: a 5-foot-long mithril spear tip weighing 75 pounds. The spear tip is the source of the faint aura of divination magic, though it no longer has the powers it once held.


  • Flint Rock
Mountain / Hill
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