Elk Tribe Organization in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Elk Tribe

The Elk tribe is an uthgardt tribe that wanders the Uthgardt Wastes north of the Rubygold Mountains, specifically between Fog Harbour and Sarastobin. The Elk barbarians shun civilisation. Their spirit mound is a rocky tor near the cliffs called Flint Rock. The Elk tribe's great chief is Rond Vaarson, an old, battle-hardened warrior who has spilt so much blood that he no longer craves it. Younger members such as Arnór's sons are waiting for him to die so that they can vie for the honour of being his successor, but Rond doesn't plan on leaving this world anytime soon.  


The Elk tribe is an interconnected group of uthgardt families, that acts as one large clan under great chief Rond Vaarson.  

First Generation

The first generation of Elk tribesfolk are sons and daughters of none, meaning they do not know their lineage. They also are the tribesfolk who are the traceable sources of the bloodlines of the Elk tribe.  

Erni (7931-7962)

Erni, son of none, is the father of Arnór. He died in conflict with knights of the dragon kingdom, defending the tribe with Vaar.  

Gisla (7941-8002)

Gisla, daughter of none, is the mother of Snaerún. She lived to the age of 61, dying in the liberation of Sarastobin by the Alliance.  

Svanlaug (7928-7959)

Svanlaug, son of none, is the father of Kristjóna and Haraldur.  

Vaar (7921-7962)

Vaar, sone of none, is the father of Rond. He died in conflict with knights of the dragon kingdom, defending the tribe with Erni.  

Second Generation

Rond Vaarson (7955-Present)

Rond, son of Vaar and of Vaar's lineage, is the great chief of the tribe. He is also the newest life partner of Arnór Ernison.  

Arnór Ernison (7949-Present)

Arnór, son of Erni and of Erni's lineage, is the life partner of Rond. His previous life partner was Dalía Hóseasardóttir. He is the father of Onarr, Heidar, and Dak.  

Dalía Hóseasardóttir (7947-7961)

Dalía, daughter of Hóseasar and of the Black Raven tribe, was the previous life partner of Arnór. She was the mother to Onarr, Heidar, and Dak, before she was killed by Black Ravens after the birth of Dak.  

Kristjóna Svanlaugsdóttir (7947-Present)

Kristjóna, daughter of Svanlaug and of Svanlaug's lineage, is the shaman of the tribe.  

Haraldur Svanlaugson (7946-Present)

Haraldur, son of Svanlaug and of Svanlaug's lineage, is the brother of Kristjóna and father of Oddrun.  

Tumas Gellisson (7948-Present)

Tumas, son of Gellis and of Gellis' lineage, is the father of Oddpór.  

Júní Diljarsdóttir (7949-Present)

Júní, daughter of Diljar and of Diljar's lineage, is the mother of Oddpór.  

Aðalborgar Hafnarsson (7947-Present)

Aðalborgar, son of Hafnar and of Hafnar's lineage, is the father of Ísalind.  

Eir Vinjarsdóttir (7946-Present)

Eir, daughter of Vinjar and of Vinjar's lineage, is the mother of Ísalind.  

Third Generation

Onarr Arnórson (7967-Present)

Onarr, son of Arnór and of Erni's lineage, is the father of Theodora, and grandfather of Ashildúr.  

Heidar Arnórson (7963-Present)

Heidar, son of Arnór and of Erni's lineage, is the father of Almar. His life partner is Snaerún Gisladottir.  

Snaerún Gisladottir (7964-Present)

Snaerún, daughter of Gisla and of Gisla's lineage, is the mother of Almar. Her life partner is Heidar Arnórson.  

Dak Arnórson (7961-Present)

Dak, son of Arnór and of Erni's lineage, is the father of Dirk. His life partner is Oddrun Haraldursdottir. Dak has a strong build, with broad shoulders and hard muscles, and a chest full of hair. His stoic traditional ways have somewhat passed onto his son. He is eager to marry Dirk off to someone to keep his family line strong, and to ensure his ascension to great chief.  

Oddrun Haraldursdottir (7965-Present)

Oddrun, daughter of Haraldur and of Svanlaug's lineage, is the mother of Dirk. Her life partner is Dak Arnórson. Oddrun has red hair, a trait visibly passed onto her son Dirk.  

Oddpór Tumason (7966-Present)

Oddpór is the son of Tumas and Júní Diljarsdóttir, claiming Gellis and Diljar's lineages.  

Ísalind Aðalborgarsdóttir (7966-Present)

Ísalind is the daughter of Aðalborgar and Eir Vinjarsdóttir, claiming Hafnar and Vinjar's lineages.  

Oscar (7978-Present)

Oscar is one of the newcomers, an adult taken in and welcome by the Elk tribe.  

Annika (7980-Present)

Annika is one of the newcomers, an adult taken in and welcome by the Elk tribe.  

Fourth Generation

Theodora Onarrsdottir (7985-Present)

Theodora is the daughter of Onarr and an unknown mother, claiming only Erni's lineage. She is the mother of Ashildur, giving birth to her at only age 19. She is one of Dirk's cousins. Jónas was her life partner before he died, and now she is seeing Karl.  

Jónas Guðfreðsson (7985-8006)

Jónas was a member of the Grey Wolf tribe before meeting Theodora. They joined in matrimonial union and were life partners. They had a child together, but Jónas died in combat defending himself when the Grey Wolves attacked him for betraying them and leaving their clan.  

Karl Salman (7986-Present)

Karl is the current lover of Theodora. He hails from Crescent Falls, and enjoys fishing.  

Almar Heidarson (7986-Present)

Almar is the son of Heidar and Snaerún, claiming Erni and Gisla's lineage. He is one of Dirk's cousins. His life partner is Siv Mensen, an outsider from the capital of Nilfgaard. They became life partners on Runemeet of 8008, while Dirk was gone.  

Siv Mensen-Heidarson (7985-Present)

Siv Mensen is the life partner of Almar.  

Dirk Dakson(7987-Present)

Dirk is the son of Dak and Oddrun, claiming Erni and Svanlaug's lineage. He is the cousin of Almar and Theodora.  

Sigurgeir Oddpórsson (7985-Present)

Sigurgeir is the son of Oddpór and Ísalind Aðalborgarsdóttir, claiming Gellis, Dinjar, Hafnar and Vinjar's lineages.  

Eyva Oddpórsdottir (7987-Present)

Eyva is the daughter of Oddpór and Ísalind Aðalborgarsdóttir, claiming Gellis, Dinjar, Hafnar and Vinjar's lineages.  

Salome Oddpórsdottir (7988-Present)

Salome is the daughter of Oddpór and Ísalind Aðalborgarsdóttir, claiming Gellis, Dinjar, Hafnar and Vinjar's lineages.  

Kine (7989-Present)

Kine is one of the newcomers, a youth taken in and welcomed by the Elk tribe.  

Lena (7990-Present)

Lena is one of the newcomers, a youth taken in and welcomed by the Elk tribe.  

Mike (7992-Present)

Mike is one of the newcomers, a youth taken in and welcome by the Elk tribe.  

Fifth Generation

Ashildur Jónasdottir (8004-Present)

Ashildur is the daughter of Theodora and Jónas Guðfreðsson, claiming Erni's lineage and Grey Wolf blood. Ashildur may be a lycanthrope, as a daughter of one. She is the youngest of the entire clan.
Geopolitical, Tribe
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