Frost Bay Settlement in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Frost Bay

A popular destination for trade, and famous for its celebration of Caelesti festivals, that some extremely rare lycanthropes call home. Beneath Frost Bay is an intricate sewer system, infested with Skaven and a feral clan of Werecrocodiles.


Majority high elf, with humans and half-elves being the second most common people living here.

Industry & Trade

Frost Bay is big on trade, and has many roads leading out of it as well as access to the southern coast of Terra Caelum. It has direct trade routes with the Ice Kingdom and are on good terms with the Ice Duchess. The town mostly exports farm products and wines, as well as fish. The Nekomata and Vistani traders often come by the sell their wares too.

Guilds and Factions

Many guilds have set up outposts here as a result of the business of the town. The Harpers have a Harper Hall set up here, the Emerald Enclave have an outpost, as well as the Unchained having a large encampment to the west of the town.


  • Frost Bay
Founding Date
Large town
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