Ser Mara Character in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Ser Mara

Ser Mara Merryday

Mara has braided silver hair and pale pink eyes. She wears plate mail and wields a military pick and javelins. Mara seeks to destroy the orc raider encampment east of Frost Bay.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Mara, while she had to take time off as a result of her alcoholism, is considered one of the more famous members of the City Watch in the west. With an extremely acute sense of justice, she dispenses it fairly and justly, with a policy of no killing. She even spent several months training under clerics of Zudris to learn the Spare the Dying cantrip and Revivify in case she ever broke her vows.    Some of the elves of the Highfields dislike her as she slightly represents the idea of innate human determination, resilience and sense of judgement. As such, when word spread of her growing hatred towards the orc clans that were committing heinous raids, some imperial sympathisers tried to spread propaganda over her alleged racism. This led to her second probation in the year 8007, her first being to deal with her drinking problem. She also received a demotion from Captain of the Guard, however she retains her royally appointed title of ser.
Current Location
Currently Held Titles
Date of Birth
19th of September
Year of Birth
7955 55 Years old
Current Residence
Frost Bay
Pale pink
Long silver braids
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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