Giant Species in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Giants are humanoid creatures of exceptionally large size.   The appearance of giants varies according to the type of giant but they are generally humanoid in appearance, just much larger. Their bone structure is denser than that of humans, giving them extra toughness but slowing them down a little.   Most giants have superior senses to most humans. In general, they can see and hear twice as well. The cloud giant, hill giant and stone giant species have a particularly good sense of smell. Some have the capacity to see well in low light or total darkness as well. They are immune to almost all diseases and have a slight resistance to poison.   Although their ancestors are immortal, giant life spans decreased with each generation. The life expectancy of a giant is believed to be between 300 and 400 years depending on race, although later sources stated that storm and stone giants could live several centuries longer on average. The oldest giants are well over 1000 years old. Because their lifespans are so much longer than humans, giants are slow to make decisions and would not be rushed.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants

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