Giant-kin Species in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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The result of mingled blood between other humanoids and the mighty races of giants, giant-kin are as varied as their ancestors. Since the ancient, primordial days in the morning of the world, the children of Annam have had a mysterious allure to smaller mortals. Whether a clan of stone giants living in quiet proximity to dwarves, a solitary hill giant becoming a part of an orcish tribe, or royalty eventually securing the affection of a mysterious cloud giant, they mingle with their shorter relatives, and, sometimes, they leave traces behind.   The blood of giants can also remain dormant for generations, only emerging long after anyone would expect it. Streaks of giant ancestry are often found in great heroes, whose might is married to the other virtues of their kind.   Giant-kin vary extremely widely in appearance, due both to the great biological diversity of giant kind and the sheer number of smaller races they might create children with. The descendant of a stone giant might have lanky limbs, greyish, hairless skin, and a stern, chiseled expression, while a being with a cloud giant ancestor might have pale skin, silvery hair, and long, fang-like canines. What they all have in common, however, is size. Giant-kin can never be mistaken for normal members of their non-giant parent races, towering over normal specimens with advanced musculature and powerful frames.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities

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