Halena Character in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Lady Halena

Divine Domains

Peace, health, life.

Holy Books & Codes

Peace Through War- a book perverted by the Stonewalls to promote their agenda.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A blunt dagger, with a crescent moon shaped hilt.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

She is regarded as a goddess of peace, comfort, etc. Any waters blessed by her are known to cure sickness and madness. They can also calm the dying giving them peace and a natural passing. Many rural communities have a designated pond or glade which serves as a holy site for local parishioners. These places are traditionally used as places to reflect and meditate. Usually, a body of water (either the pond itself or a stream near those glades considered holy sites) serves as a repository for offerings to Halena in connection with these holy places. But, when no water is near a special tree or bush is designated as a repository to which offerings are tied to its branches. Offerings are typically weapons broken so they can never be used again, or an item that caused an argument and must be discarded to promote peace.
Divine Classification
Celestial God
Current Location
Black hair tied back
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Grey, freckled
Ruled Locations

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