Stonewall Empire Organization in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Stonewall Empire

The Stonewall Empire began with the corruption of young Jason Stonewall, heir to the Silver Throne of Breantis. He made a deal with the goddess Halena, to give him strength and courage to make peace across Terra Caelum through his politics. However, Talichtoli was puppeteering as the goddess, as he had killed her and taken her soul. Darkness rose in him, and as he recruited more, they became added to the hive mind of Obscurus' proxy on the prime material plane, Talichtoli.


The entire army is a hive mind, controlled by the dark lord Obscurus, and his pawns- the Bride of Despair and Talichtoli, God of Murder.

Public Agenda

Bringing a united peace to Terra Caelum, by force.


After the defeat of Talichtoli, the Stonewall Empire crumbled. Only small cells still exist, while the vast majority have escaped the hive mind magic.

Mythology & Lore

The mythology presented to the Stonewall Empire is a false rendition of the tales of peacemaker goddess Halena. The only Stonewall text is "Peace Through War", a false bible created by Talichtoli in order to encourage the hive mind to kill, and follow orders given to them by their god.

Granted Divine Powers

Enhanced strength, enhanced resilience. Immunity to charm and sleep spells. Resistance to necrotic damage. No more need to eat, sleep, drink, bathe.

Peace, Through War

3rd of May, 8002 5E - 29th of June, 8002 5E

Illicit, Terrorist group
Alternative Names
Followers of Obscurus, The Tainted, The Darkened, The Hive Mind
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Related Professions
Manufactured Items
Related Ethnicities

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