Hope's End Item in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Hope's End

El'zharis, also known as Hope's End, is a cursed legendary greatsword found in Old Barovia.   El'zharis is infused with soul energy, and is an extremely superior weapon wielded by a servant of Strahd.    Hope's End grants you the ability to be the Master of Fate. This greatsword can hold 3 charges. For each charge that it holds it deals an additional 5d6 necrotic damage on a successful attack once per round.   As an action you may expend one charge to cast the spell Power Word Kill. You can use this feature once per long rest.   The sword regains a single charge when you have killed a thousand Celestial, Humanoid, or Fiendish creatures whilst attuned to it.
by Bonus Action
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Current Location
Current Holder

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