Kella Character in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Kella Fane

Kella was a paladin travelling in Jasper's party through Old Barovia. She was one of the three who did not make it out of Argynvostholt alive.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kella was once upon a time a simple Bronzemerian paladin, who travelled in an adventuring party with Jasper, Octavio and Ziren. At some point around 8001, they were hired by the Vistani to try and deal with the corruption of Count Strahd von Zarovich. They were all then brought to Old Barovia.   In Old Barovia, the group acquired scars thanks to the gravewalker Elahar, and eventually had to face his judgement, in Argynvostholt. Jasper was the only survivor of this attack, however Octavio and Ziren's souls were taken by Elahar for safety.   While the three were buried in Vallaki, at some point, Kella was revived as a vampire, and given cursed weapons by Narrian. She slowly became Strahd's right-hand woman, leading packs of wolves to hunt down adventuring parties and any who sought to oppose von Zarovich. In 8008, when Ace Ventura freed Barovia, she was reunited with Jasper before being released to the Prime Material Plane with Strahd, to take back the Shadowed Vale.
Current Location
Year of Birth
7983 27 Years old
Dark grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Other Affiliations

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