House Thann Organization in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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House Thann

Very much a fallen House, the Thanns have seen better days. In the times since the Collision, they lost all of their old merchant shipping resources as well as their vineyard and vintner holdings.   They were among those who first picked back up on arcane lore and hired spellcasting as a House, however, quickly seizing up as vocation what had once simply been a familial talent. Part of this was, in the past thirty years, leaning on their old familial blood-ties to Khelben Arunsun.   Today, House Thann teeters on the verge of disaster. Just over a dozen in number, all of whom live in Waterdeep, the Thanns now strive to recover some of their lost prosperity.  

Cassandra Thann (7946-Present)

Cassandra is the forceful matriarch of the Thann family.  

Rhammas Thann (7945-Present)

Rhammas is a patriarch of the Thanns who has largely retired from familial affairs.  

Dartek Thann (7965-Present)

Dartek is the first son of Cassandra and Rhammas and father of Dragomir Thann.  

Eldaun Thann (7969-Present)

Eldaun is the second son of Cassandra and Rhammas.  

Randor Thann (7972-Present)

Randor is the third son of Cassandra and Rhammas.  

Zelphar Thann (7974-Present)

Zelphar is the fourth son of Cassandra and Rhammas.  

Harmon Thann (7976-Present)

Harmon is the fifth son of Cassandra and Rhammas.  

Danilo Thann (7981-Present)

Dani is the sixth son of Cassandra and Rhammas.  

Ildaera Thann (7975-Present)

Ildaera is the first daughter of Cassandra and Rhammas.  

Synthea Thann (7979-Present)

Synthea is the second daughter of Cassandra and Rhammas.  

Judith Thann (7988-Present)

Judith Thann is the third and youngest daughter of Cassandra and Rhammas.  

Lilly Thann (7990-7991)

Lilly was the daughter of Rhammas, born out of wedlock and perished at a young age.  

Dragomir Thann (7985-Present)

Dragomir is the first son of Dartek, grandson of Cassandra and Rhammas.  

Clarinda Thann (7931-Present)

Clarinda Thann, Danilo's great aunt.  

Arilyn Moonblade (7961-Present)

Arilyn is the wife of Dani Thann.


  • Maresgate
Geopolitical, Great house
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