House Ulbrinter Organization in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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House Ulbrinter

House Ulbrinter has always been one of the Western Plains' trading ship powers, particularly given their reputation as fine shipwrights. They also have a reputation as possessing a degree of wanderlust, a fact that has negatively impacted the House's population, with losses and broken lineages over the years. This was made very apparent with the recent death of Lord Arthagast at the hands of the Cult of the Dragon: without a declared heir, the balance of power in House Ulbrinter remains in the hands of Arthagast's widow, the sun elf Remallia Haventree.   Ulbrinter is a noble house of Anthor. Their estate within the city of Anthor, Ulbrinter Villa, houses twenty four guards and six warforged servants and is located on Delzorin Street in the North Ward between Vhezoar Street and Brondar's Way.  

Arthagast Ulbrinter

Arthagast was a drow who came from the Underdark without a word of common, but through thieves' cant he conveyed how skilled a shipwright he was. With his efficiency and craftmanship he acquired much renown and coin within the Order of Master Shipwrights.  

Arthius Ulbrinter-Shinnam

Arthius is the son of Remallia and her first partner, Roscai Shinnam. He is an aspiring bard and wants little to do with family heritage.  

Serenore Ulbrinter

Serenore is an apprentice mage in the Arcane Brotherhood, and dabbles in the magic of the Red Wizards of Thay. She is tempted easily by magical power and superiority. She is the daughter of Arthagast and Remallia and as such has matte grey skin and the dark hair of her mother.
Geopolitical, Great house
Parent Organization

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