Idunn Character in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Lady Idunn

Idunn is the old goddess of spring or rejuvenation and the wife of Bragi, the old god of poetry. She is the keeper of the magic apples of immortality, known as Idunn Apples, which the Caelesti pantheon of gods had to consume to remain immortal. When, through the cunning of Talichtoli and Euryale her apples were poisoned, the Caelesti gods quickly began to grow weak. The poison however was lifted by the Moonlight Brigade in the quest to stop Obscurus.

Divine Domains

Spring, rejuvenation, rebirth.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A single golden apple.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Originally, she herself is one of the few who ascended to immortality. At some point when the old gods still had a measure of power, she aided them by communing with the Life Tree in the magical garden later known as Idunn's Garden. She managed to convince it to grow golden Idunn Apples, and thus her position of importance was established. She managed to consume an apple, allowing her to become immortal.   After the first interplanar war, she cared for the sentient head of Mimír, the Rememberer, old god of history.
Divine Classification
Higher Deity
Current Location
Year of Birth
2933 5077 Years old
Hazel brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Celestial white
Ruled Locations

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