Idunn's Garden Geographic Location in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Idunn's Garden


Idunn's Garden is the beautiful garden containing the Life Tree, where the Celestial Gods keep up their immortality, the demigod Idunn growing the immortality fruit for them. The garden is home to the serpentine, who live in the peaceful swamps on the outskirts of the garden itself. Idunn has lived here since she was born, and has tended to the fruit ever since. Mimir also has a house here, built around the base of an old watchtower covered in ancient runes.   The geography changed, however, when Euryale turned Idunn to stone, and had the serpentine build her a temple to worship her as the superior gorgon. When Idunn was turned to stone, the garden descended into a poisonous swamp, with deep purple bubbling water and dangerous snakes posing as reeds and seaweed. The Life Tree temporarily grew poisoned apples at this point. The garden being poisoned allowed the Celestial Gods to be weak enough for Talichtoli to kill them in 8002.

Fauna & Flora

Idunn's Garden has slightly blue-tinted grass, making it a calm turquoise, and it contains the Life Tree, that grows immortality fruit. The immortality fruit grants the power of ascension, if the soul is worthy enough for it, and a Celestial God deems them worthy.
Characters in Location
Inhabiting Species

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