Inventor's Guild Organization in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Inventor's Guild

The Inventor's Guild consists mostly of wandering artisans and engineers who travel from settlement to settlement, finding work. Settling in one area is only encouraged in centres of innovation that warrant constant observation, such as Tinkertown, Waterdeep, and Okhathage. As they travel, guild members take samples of any inventions they discover and assist innovators they encounter, filing regular reports to their superiors.   Guildhalls are imposing, boxy stone structures surrounded by porticoes. The only internal decorations are sprawling exhibits of items, some of historical interest, some representing the latest work of master crafters. The central chamber consists of a massive anvil surrounded by spinning cogs in a giant machine. Backrooms consist of workshops.   Agents of the guild have a unique appearance. They wear saffron robes, sashes that hold tools, and sun hats. They have great belts of large linked medallion ringlets. In east Terra Caelum, they serve rural communities as tinkerers, carpenters, and civil engineers. All guild members keep a journal in which they write down ideas for inventions to be worked on and contemplated. Journals kept by wandering priests are given to overseers they visit. Their notes are recorded and added to the main guildhall's library for everyone to gain insight from.   The center of the guild is the House of Inspired Hands in Waterdeep. The cities' faithful also built a great museum, the Hall of Wonders, to display inventions.
Founding Date
7991 4E
Guild, Craftsmen
Related Professions
Notable Members

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