Doctor Owens Character in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Doctor Owens

Doctor Maximillian Jonah Owens

Doctor Owens was a genius inventor. He was leader of the Inventor's Guild, an esteemed member of the Harpers, and a trusted ally of the Alliance. He helped herald in the era of the warforged, as well as technological innovations such as arcane engines and firearm technology. He was mayor of Tinkertown as well.   He lived in a private estate north-east of Tinkertown, within a small villa built upon a hill, and around the hill were 40-foot-high walls heavily guarded by automated turrets and ballistae. However, just before New Year's Eve in 8008, someone managed to sneak into his home and kill him as he slept. His soul had not yet departed, however his wishes in life explicitly stated he would refuse anyone who attempted to cast Raise Dead and other Necromancy spells on him, as he would like to be put to rest peacefully and allowed to move on.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Owens had a fit, but slender build, and was kind of lanky. He had light electrical scarring from his experimenting with technology.

Apparel & Accessories

Owens' signature look was a black tank top with a weatherproof jacket over it, usually a red jacket but occasionally a navy blue jacket during his time with the Moonlight Brigade. He had steampunk goggles with purple lenses that had Truesight built into them to help him with his work.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Maximillian was born to the mad inventor Doctor Zweistein and an unusually magical elven woman called Talia Ornenz (known as Talia Owens). He was given the name Owens, even though his mother had barely been around in most of his early life, and after years of not knowing where she was, his father told him point-blank that she had died. Max never got any more information out of Maurice, and so their relationship slowly crumbled.   In 8001, Max was approached by Lizzy and her party when they were building allies against the threat of Obscurus, and it was then that he joined the Moonlight Brigade. At the same time, however, he was being coerced by House von Stein to draw up blueprints for the Tinkertown Underground projects, such as the Zodiac Projects. He worked alongside Tarantula to build prototype automatons, that would soon become warforged. He experimented greatly with using souls, then moving on to the concept of creating artificial souls from arcana, to provide autonomy to the automatons.   He developed a deep (and very sexual) bond with Cain, one of the heroes who helped defeat Obscurus. While they had a lot of fun developing technology together, Cain was tampering with dark magic and Max suspected that he was trying to become a lich. It then became clear to Max that Cain was also experimenting with the Arcane Relic of Time. Max shot Cain in the back of the head, then discarded of his body and covered up the murder, though it is unknown what happened to the Relic of Time.   By 8007, Max had been a leading member of the Harpers' scientific research division and was of course by then in charge of the Inventor's Guild.   He died in 8008, shortly before New Year's Eve, when someone managed to infiltrate his fortress of a villa and assassinate him.

Accomplishments & Achievements

He created the warforged and gnome races, as well as most technological inventions such as the Leviathan and Cassiopeia's soul engines, and is famously known as the father of modern technology and enchanting.


Doctor Owens

Good Friend

Towards Lizzy




Good Friend

Towards Doctor Owens



Doctor Zweistein

Father (Important)

Towards Doctor Owens



Doctor Owens

Son (Trivial)

Towards Doctor Zweistein



7978 8008 30 years old
Dark chestnut brown, very dark
Typically brown, undercut with a dyed blond fringe
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Warm caucasian skin
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations

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