Ironslag Settlement in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Ironslag is an ancient dungeon complex beneath Mount Hamarhaast in the mountains of Muspelheim. Home to a clan of fire giants, this is the ancestral forge of Duke Zalto. The outpost lies beneath a mountain known to the dwarves of the Silver Marches as Mount Hamarhaast.   Ironslag has two entrances. The main entrance is a set of adamantine doors 50 ft tall, sealed by magic. The second entrance is guarded by an iron portcullis in a yakfolk village on the mountain above. The main forge area is a large, two-level dungeon complex connected to a series of mines. Ironslag houses a magical adamantine forge.


The complex is largely inhabited by fire giants, but also includes a large number of goblins, hobgoblins, ogres, and orcs along with several dwarf, gnome, and human slaves/prisoners. There are also a few hell hounds, salamanders, an iron golem, and a chimera among the inhabitants.


  • Ironslag Upper Level
  • Ironslag Overview
  • Ironslag Lower Level
Founding Date
Outpost / Base
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