Duke Zalto Character in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Duke Zalto

Duke Zalto

Zalto is the ruler of the fire giants of Muspelheim.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Zalto, a fire giant duke, believes that he can become the ruler of all giants by slaughtering their ancient enemies: dragons. Duke Zalto has set his minions to the task of finding and unearthing fragments of a dragon-slaying colossus called the Vonindod ("titan of death"). Pieces of it were lost in battle, while the rest was dismantled at the end of the ancient war between giants and dragonkind. Once all the pieces are found, Zalto plans to reforge the Vonindod and unleash it on the world. Beneath the mountains in Muspelheim lies an ancient fire giant forge called Ironslag. Unfortunately for Zalto, Ironslag's forges aren't hot enough to repair the colossus. The duke, undaunted, plans to steal Maegara, the fire primordial trapped in the subterranean dwarven fortress-city of Gauntlgrym, and trap it within Ironslag's adamantine forge.   The dwarves of Muspelheim rely on Maegera to heat their own forges. Hesitant to storm the dwarven fortress, Zalto has met with drow representatives of House Xorlarrin of Shanatar, who know the layout of Gauntlgrym well. With their aid, the fire giant duke plans to imprison Maegera in an iron flask and transport the primordial to Ironslag-a goal easier imagined than accomplished.
Current Location
Burning orange
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Metal grey
Ruled Locations

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