Jarl Storvald Character in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Jarl Storvald

Jarl Pietr Storvald

Storvald, a fierce and adventurous frost giant jarl, travelled to the coldest reaches of the Arctic Ocean to reclaim Svardborg, the ancestral home of his forebears.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Storvald found a nest of white dragon eggs within the iceberg fortress and successfully enslaved a mated pair of white dragons by holding their eggs hostage. Within a matter of months thereafter, he also freed several gigantic longships from the ice and sent his giant raiders out to attack smaller ships and plunder their supplies, as well as to pillage wood from the mainland to repair the damaged ships and lodges of Svardborg.   Storvald has childhood memories of a legend about the Ice That Never Melts-a powerful, frost-coated golden ring that can freeze the oceans and blanket the world in mountains of snow. Small folk know this artefact by another name: the Ring of Winter. The ring, which grants immortality to its wearer, was last seen in the possession of a human adventurer (and former Harper) named Artus Cimber. Guided by magical runes of tracking, Storvald plans to find the ring and bring about the Age of Everlasting Ice, thus ensuring his place at the top of the ordning. Storvald procured a drop of Cimber's blood from a Zhentarim wizard named Nilraun, and used the drop to empower his runes. Unbeknown to Storvald, the runes are steering the frost giants not to Artus Cimber but to other, closer individuals who carry the Cimber bloodline-Artus's living relatives, most of whom know nothing about the Ring of Winter's whereabouts.
Current Location

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