Kilwood Monster Festival Tradition / Ritual in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Kilwood Monster Festival

The Kilwood Monster Festival is an annual festival held in Kilwood. It is held on the 11th of April every year and is well received by both the local Breantians and tourists alike. The festival features many carnival-like attractions as well as tamed monsters for visitors to befriend.  

8009 Festival

Merchu convinced Caity Starflower Diona and Caomhán to take a quest in Kilwood. The quest entailed acquiring Kobold Flour from a nearby encampment of blue kobolds for a local baker. The baker, a silver Dragonborn named Cluudrax, wanted the flour to enhance his dragon origami croissants for the Great Monster Bake-Off as part of the Kilwood Monster Festival. The adventurers went to the kobolds, who said that they would give them the flour in exchange for dealing with a particularly nasty elemental that was residing in the nearby well. After dispatching of the elemental, the party delivered the flour to Cluudrax and enjoyed a fun night at the Monster Festival.
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