Kraken Species in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Krakens are monstrous creatures that live within the sea, posing a threat to all the seafaring races of Mondum. Krakens are extremely long-lived and extremely intelligent, and serve as gods to some of the sahuagin clans across the seas.   According to the ancient legends of the sahuagin, the krakens have been around for millennia. Their legends speak of a great war between the krakens and the dragons during the Draconic Era, though it is uncertain if the krakens were allies with the giants and the quori or independent agents. Over the years, the krakens have survived, and have become god-like beings in the eyes of the sahuagin. Some clans of sahuagin worship these malevolent creatures, while others see the krakens as an affront to their gods and seek to destroy them.   Since the late 17th century, there have been annual increases noted in kraken activity within the Minnegate Ocean. Hundreds of ships have fallen to the mighty tentacles of the krakens, to which at some point it has become Caelesti culture not to bother sailing too far out to sea. Some attribute this increase to the presence of Cthulhu.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution
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