Lycanthropy Condition in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Lycanthropy is a condition, disease or curse that causes humanoids and giants to change form, usually into hybrid humanoid-animal states.   A lycanthrope, also known as a werebeast, weretype, or nightwalker, is an individual who possesses the condition of lycanthropy.   Lycanthropes are shapechangers with at least two forms, that of a humanoid and that of a particular kind of animal. In humanoid form, they appear no different than a typical specimen of that type and their natural life expectancy is the same. Lycanthropes can disguise themselves somewhat through their shape-shifting abilities, either taking on a form almost identical to a humanoid but with subtle details revealing their true nature such as pointed teeth or long fingernails. Similarly, lycanthropes can assume an animal form, which would be a perfect disguise except for the unusual spark of intelligence in their eyes that sometimes gives them away.   Some lycanthropes can also take on an intermediate "hybrid form", superficially resembling their humanoid form but with the head of the specific animal whose shape they can also take.
Chronic, Acquired & Congenital
Affected Species

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