Maelstrom Settlement in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Maelstrom is the main stronghold and seat of power for the storm giants of the Minnegate Ocean.   The fortress lies on the floor of the Minnegate Ocean, 3,000 feet beneath the surface at a point south-east of Avalon and closer to Grescha than Terra Caelum.   Carved into a gargantuan reef, the fortress is made up of four rocky towers covered in barnacles and coral. Between these towers sits a large sinkhole descending into the fortress's core.   The interior of the fortress is made up of air-filled chambers and corridors. Sized to gigantic standards, ceilings in the fortress are 50 feet high. Oval windows made of thick, transparent crystal line many rooms. The storm giants of the Maelstrom cultivate giant anemones used for storage and waste disposal. Continual flames illuminate wall sconces around the fortress.   Maelstrom is primarily inhabited by storm giants. Some elementals are used as guards.   Until his disappearance in late 8008, Maelstrom was ruled by King Hekaton. Since his disappearance, Hekaton's daughter Serissa has been left in charge of the fortress.
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