Maisie Holloway Character in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Maisie Holloway

Mayor Maisie Holloway

Maisie is the mayor of Harrowcrest.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

A lifelong local to Harrowcrest, Maisie Holloway may as well have been the daughter of the entire town. She was a friend to everyone and spent much of her childhood helping, and eventually working, in as many of the town’s businesses as she could. When the previous mayor retired, he personally recommended Maisie as his replacement. She has now held the title for almost a decade.   Mayor Holloway’s regular duties mostly revolve around the everyday organisation of the town and its resources, working alongside and building a close friendship with Lady Calvus herself.  

In Unholy Matrimony

Harrowcrest was deep in preparation for the wedding of its lady and her groom. Various members of the community had taken on the responsibilities of planning, catering, and officiant. Most were absorbed in their duties, including the bride and groom-to-be, who were trying to deal with the tension of their respective wedding parties gathering within the increasingly claustrophobic manor.   But disconcerting news had reached Harrowcrest. Word was that a mysterious monster-slayer with a merciless reputation had been sighted in the area, no doubt drawn by the prospect of crashing such a union. While a single individual posed little physical threat to the town’s infernal residents, his interjection could have jeopardised what was an important day for Harrowcrest. Rather than sully the occasion by personally hunting a man through the streets, Lady Calvus had instead called for outside help. She wished for the party to act as security until the wedding’s conclusion. They were instructed to remain subtle and unobtrusive so as to not upset the preparations and to, above all else, stop the monster hunter from ruining the wedding.   Maisie was assigned the prestigious role of the wedding planner. This had exaggerated Maisie’s already anxious and frenetic nature as she rushed between daily objectives, fueled by a self-sustaining engine of pure stress. The wedding must. Be. PERFECT.   Though she may have been the foremost source of information on Harrowcrest and had access to records that may expose Maximus Brandt's secret past, Mayor Holloway was constantly wrapped up in her duties and has little time to stop and talk. Woe betide those who slowed or disrupted Holloway’s work or threatened the wedding in any way, accidental or otherwise.
Year of Birth
7961 49 Years old

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