Naktamun Settlement in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Naktamun was once the central city of Amonkhet and home to its gods. A once glorious city, it is now mostly gutted building and sand.   Naktamun is located at the banks of the river Luxa and protected from the horrors of the surrounding deserts by the Hekma, a magical barrier maintained by the god Kefnet. During Nicol Bolas' initial attack on Amonkhet, Naktamun was the last city that stood against him and was to serve as the nucleus of the reemerging civilization centred around him.   Officially, the city is ruled by the five gods, who act as stewards of the God-Pharaoh. The living population was rigidly divided into three groups:
  • Acolytes, children who were focused on honing their skills and prepared for the coming trials
  • Viziers, servants of the gods who underwent the Glorified Death when they finished their service.
  • Initiates, warriors organized in Crops that underwent the Trials of the Five Gods.
  After the Hour of Devastation had come, the city was destroyed by the Eternal army of Nicol Bolas and most of its gods slain. The survivors, led by Hazoret, fled the city whose ruins were reclaimed by the local fauna.  

Notable Locations

The Hekma

The Hekma is a magical water-made barrier that protects the city from the dangers of the deserts. Destroyed by the Locust God, but resurrected by Hazoret and Sarkhan Vol.  

The Holding

A carefully curated wildlife resort.  

The Gauntlet

The Gauntlet are the training grounds.  

The Display of Doubt

Sarcophagi containing dissenters are presented here.  

Gate to the Afterlife

The Gate is a massive river gate on the Luxa near the end of the city through which the bodies of the worthy are shipped.

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