Neronvain Character in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Prince Neronvain

Neronvain is an exiled elf prince who wants revenge on his kin. He’s less of a true believer than the others, but he’s sure that the cult will succeed in establishing a dragon civilisation. He wants his birthright, and is willing to help the cult so he can realise his dream.   Neronvain used to hunt green dragons. In one particular hunt, he was the last elf standing when they cornered a green dragon, and an almost mystical connection was made between the two creatures. When Neronvain was exiled and hunted by his people, he experienced the same emotions as the dragon, and this profoundly affected his future dealings with dragons. Like a dragon, Neronvain is arrogant and selfish.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Neronvain was the elven prince of the Wild Woods, son of King Melandrach; he had a terrible relationship with his father for the cautious mood of the king. After a very fierce discussion, Neronvain was exiled. After he joined the Cult of the Dragon and became the companion of the green dragon Chuth, he rose in rank. In early 8009, he was selected as the Green Dragon Wyrmspeaker; he guided a series of raids in the Wild Woods in order to gain treasures for a tresure hoard intended to summon Tiamat into the Prime Material Plane, and led both the Siege of Salzenstadt and the Battle of the Midlands.


King Melandrach


Towards Neronvain




Towards King Melandrach


Year of Birth
7888 122 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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Character Portrait image: Neronvain by Bryan Syme


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