Oathbow Item in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Swift death to you who have wronged me.   THE OATHBOW COMMAND PHRASE

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Every time an arrow is notched on the Oathbow, it whispers a phrase in elvish to its attuned user acknowledging its readiness to accept a sworn opponent. If the user responds with the command phrase upon loosing the arrow towards an opponent, that target becomes the bow's sworn enemy for seven days, or until death. The magic of the Oathbow renders it extremely precise when shooting arrows toward its sworn enemy, even if behind cover or at extremely long distances. Arrows that hit the Oathbow's designated target are also rendered extremely deadly. At the same time, a committed Oathbow becomes considerably ineffective at shooting at any target other than its current sworn enemy.   The Oathbow can be reset to a new enemy the dawn after its previous target dies. It can only have on designated target at a time.   Mechanically, when you use this weapon to make a ranged attack, you can, as a command phrase, say, "Swift death to you who have wronged me." The target of your attack becomes your Sworn Enemy until it dies or until dawn seven days later. You can have only one such Sworn Enemy at a time. When your Sworn Enemy dies, you can choose a new one after the next dawn.   When you make a ranged attack roll with this weapon against your Sworn Enemy, you have advantage on the roll. In addition, your target gains no benefit from cover, other than total cover, and you suffer no disadvantage due to long range. If the attack hits, your Sworn Enemy takes an extra 3d6 radiant damage, as well as the 1d8 piercing damage.   While your Sworn Enemy lives, you have disadvantage on attack rolls with all other Weapons.

Manufacturing process

Like other angelic weapons and equipment, the Oathbow must be forged in the core of Mount Celestia.


The Oathbow is one of the four original angelic weapons, it being created by the Archangel Gabriel. The other three are Raziel's Oathsword, Uriel's Torch, and Azrael's Bane (now known as the Sword of the Nine Hells).
Item type
Weapon, Ranged
Current Holder
Related ethnicities
Owning Organization
Very rare
Base Price
Raw materials & Components
Moonstone, silver, elvish birch wood

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