Oleander Dragon Species in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Oleander Dragon

A petal dragon, known also as an oleander dragon, is a unique kind of dragon. It can disguise itself as petals and leaves so perfectly that many would fail to recognise it’s not actually a flowering topiary shrub in the shape of a sleeping dragon. Oleander dragons very rarely speak, and when they do it’s usually only one word. Oleander dragons are vastly underwhelmed by the paucity of expression available with language. Unlike any other dragon, and most creatures, the oleander dragon has no physical attack. It has no teeth or claws and considers such things crude. It prefers to be beautiful and would rather awe enemies so much with its perfect glamour as to force them to reconsider the terrible decisions they made in their lives and abandon all violence.  
  Lacking physical attacks, oleander dragons rely on the Implant Nightmare ability to overwhelm their enemies with fear. They open combat with the spores from their Pollen Breath, then sing the Song of Cestilani, which can end a battle all by itself.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution

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