Dragon Species in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Dragons (or wyrms) are very powerful and magical creatures. There are several types of dragons, the most common distinction of which are chromatic and metallic which are typically evil and good respectively. They are an ancient race. Few species that still exist can claim longer lineage. Dragons are the bane of the humanoid races of Mondum; their line was so old, they had their own realm during the first recorded exploits of the elves. In recent times, in particular since the Dragon Purges, the dragons of Terra Caelum are nearly all recluses or at the very least deceptive to their true nature, living amongst other species in polymorphed form.

Basic Information


Dragons are inherently magical beings, and in no case should dragons be considered reptiles, despite obvious similarities such as a scaled epidermis and reproduction by laying eggs. In fact, they are more akin to feline creatures than reptiles, particularly in regards to their posture and movements, as well as being inherently warm-blooded and an eye composition similar to felines, although far more complex. A good example of this is the placement of the legs: dragons also tend to place their rear foot where their front foot was previously, much like most stalking feline predators.

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